Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kaz or Colombia?

This past year, Chris and I have been discussing our family. How are we going to grow it, and when? This past year, we discussed growing through adoption, both domestic & international, adopting through the foster care system and we entertained having a biological child. We both are quite certain that we could get pregnant should we choose this, but honestly, it just hasn't felt like the right decision for our family. We've spoken with a couple agencies, attended seminars at the county and sat in on teleconferences. Little by little we have narrowed in our thinking, we know that adoption is the right path for us and for our kids. Now, the million dollar question is will we go to Colobmia and Kazakhstan? :) As many of you know, our hearts are quite tied to Kazakhstan....since our beautiful 5-year old daughter was born in Aqtobe, Kaz. However, the time in country has us concerned as to whether we can truly logistically make a 2nd trip to Kaz a reality. And then there is Colombia, we are loving a lot about the adoption program in Colombia. In Highschool, our family had a foreign exchange student from Cucuta, Colombia, Sergio, and we LOVED him so much! Sergio was a Junior when I was a Freshmen! He taught us about 'women's work and man's work.' Who knew! And he was serious! He was horrified when my sister and I helped stack wood or did anything that semi-resembled outside work or heavy lifting. Likewise, he would not, I mean would NOT, be seen in the Kitchen. No way, that was 'women's work!' Dad loved it! After Sergio's Junior year, he returned home to his family in Cucuta. For the next 3 years we all stayed in touch, and when my sister was getting married in 94', Sergio was planning to come. But, no word, Sergio didn't make it to the wedding. A year later, our family received a letter from Sergio's Mom. Sergio passed away that year. Come to find out, Sergio found out that he had Cancer the year he left us, and sadly, he didn't want to 'burden' us with the news. We all mourned, and still think of him often. We wish dearly that he had let us all know. Maybe we could have helped? He could have come back to the U.S. for treatment. So, yes, parts of my heart are in Colombia!!

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