Tuesday, October 9, 2012

18-24 Years of Addresses - Seriously?

Holy Man, today's feat was uncovering every address that we have ever had, (apartment #s, counties and length of time at each), since we were 18! Do you realize how many places that is? In college alone we must have 15 different addresses in that 5 year period. This is a crazy feat, but we can do it, we can do it, we can do it. I, Christy, went through all of my old credit reports and pulled my addresses. Yes, I am kind of a saver of that kind of information. Weird maybe, but it comes in handy sometimes. Note: right now! Chris, no Chris is not a saver, instead, he is the personality that just throws credit reports in trash with little regard to all of that personal information that lurks on those pages. Chris instead, goes on line and googles, and finds the most amazing website www.intelius.com and for $1.95 he had all of his addresses that he had ever lived at. Ok, so maybe that was pretty smart on his part!! ;) On to the next piece of paper. Tomorrow, off to Anoka County for fingerprints, copies of birth certificates, etc.

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