Monday, February 4, 2013

FBI Apostilles Arrived!!!

Guess what we got in the mail today???? Our final set of documents for our Dossier, our FBI Clearance Reports have officially been apostilled by D.C!!! Woop Woop! So, what does this mean you might ask? It means that we are DONE, D.O.N.E. with our Dossier and that means that we are D.O.N.E. with our paperchase, and that means that we get to turn in our Dossier to Marcia and that means that, once she approves everything, it makes its' way down to Colombia!!! And I bet you are asking, 'What does that then mean?' Well, that means that we then get our 'Official' referral of Julieth! And after that, what is next? We get to start Skype'ing' with her and planning for travel!!! WHAT on earth! This is so crazy! Feels almost unreal! :)

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