Monday, May 20, 2013

Day #3 - Presentation Day

What a day today has been! Chris and I are sitting here on our hotel bed, looking at our 2 girls sleep, in total awe! Feeling so blessed! This morning we still didn't know what to expect of today. As of 9:30, we hadn't heard anything at all about if, and when, our presentation of Julieth would be happening. And then, we met Carmen, soon we learned that we needed to get ready because presentation would be at 10:30 and Maria Teresa was on her way to come get us! Yikes! On went the dress clothes, bags packed, paperwork gathered, and then off we went. It was about a 20 minute drive to FANA, which is located in a little city just outside Bogota. The ride was beautiful, minus all of the cars and congestion of the city. Bogota is bordered, on the East side, by Mountains making the drive so scenic. When we arrived at FANA, we were escorted upstairs to the 'Presentation Room,' a room filled with 3 couches a chair and probably 100 photos of families created through adoption at FANA. It was a really nice room, probably 15x20' or so feet with views of the tree tops. FANA itself is a very nice building, very clean, no yucky smells, tons of natural light and stained glass. Art on the walls. Very welcoming! Not what you would expect from an orphanage. We were greeted by another family in the presentation room, they were there meeting with their 10 month old daughter, Isabella. The couple was living in France, he was French and she Colombian, and their daughter was just beautiful! After about 30 minutes of talking with the Director, giving updated paperwork, etc. they sent for Julieth. They took the clothes that we brought for her, which was an old dress of Zahria's :), and got Julieth all prettied up. Just for the record, her hair is done up SO cute, several itty bitty rubberbands create several itty bitty pony tails that come together at the top of her head to form a sweet pony tail crown of sorts. Yep, that is the only time you are going to see this creation in her hair. Love that they care for her so well! So, the ladies prettied her up, dressed her in Z's dress and escorted her into the Presentation Room. I think there were at least 8 women that walked with her to the room and stayed with us for a good 20 minutes. It was amazing! They brought Julieth's favorite toys, her blankie we had made and sent for her, her photo book of our family, stacking cups, and her little dolly complete with her make shift spoon. They even let us take her dolly with!!! So amazing! They do get this attachment / transition stuff! Slowly, they introduced us to her and her to us. Little by little her caregivers stepped back and let us interact with her, giving us cues as to interactions. Zahria did just beautifully with her sister! So gentle! So kind! After about half an hour of floor time, we loaded up and made the transition to leaving FANA. So brave! This is the only home that Julieth has ever known, ever since she was a day old she has been at FANA. Such mixed emotions. On the one hand, so thankful and happy to break her free of a life without a family and on the other hand, so sad to take her from all she has known, the ladies that have honestly so lovingly cared for her, her culture, her smells, her friends..... Fewee, that was stressful. Here is J on our way home from FANA, sacked out in Momma's arms.

1 comment:

Sue Loiacono said...

Hi all, What beautiful daughters you have!!
Hi Zahria, you look like you are having a great adventure.
Sue L